Zero Hour
The Player: ZerØ
ZerØ is a young ninja, training in a Dojo to become a full fledged assassin.
His mind has been trained with strict pace, to surpass every prey he has to face.

The Dojo
The Dojo is where ZerØ's training is taking place.
It is a secret hideout, hidden in downtown Shibuya.
Here, trainees learn the art of Ninjutsu.
The Shinobi Clan
The Dojo is under attack from an enemy clan, whose members are cyber-engineered shinobis.
Your mission as ZerØ is to repel the attack, and defend your Dojo.


The Game is based around rythmically tapping Targets on the screen, to defeat every enemy Cyobrg Shinobi attacking.
Every missed hit will make you lose one life.
With a 5 hit combo, you gain one back.
At the end of each stage, your points give you a rank.
Personal Contribution
USer Interface
Every target has 3 phases, meaning to clarify the moment when to hit them:
This special target, means that the player has to drag the cursor through its shape, to get points.


To show the Player's Health and points, I have created an HUD based on Borderland's franchise, since our main character is from that same series.
HP Bar on top
Points Bar on bottom.


I also added a Level selection menu, since we had multiple stages with increasing difficulty and faster music.
I always based it on Borderlands menu design, adding some Cyberpunk spice to it.
Alessandro Serenità
Pietro Costantini
Sergio Cannata
Lorenzo Ciccolella
Max Candia
Jacopo Stangoni
Dario Raciti
Roberto Leogrande
Vincenzo Villani
Stefano Mauri