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Game Inspiration

Wakanda is a Turn Based Tiled Stealth game.

The team decided to take inspiration from games such as:

Invisible Inc., X-COM and Thief.

Game Inspiration

Story & Setting

The Town:


In an old ghost town haunted by foul ghosts, the Player fights to free the townsfolk's souls, from the grasp of the Phantom Puppeteer.

The Player:


Wakanda is a young woman, outcast from the town, because of her indigenous origins.

A neighboring tribe accepted her when she was a child, and helped her grow up as an orphan.

Her name means Great Spirit, she is the only one able to exorcise the town.

The choice:

good or evil

The town needs to be saved.

Your mission is to save it.

How will you do it?

Story and Setting


turns & Action Points

Wakanda moves through tiles and takes actions by using action points.

When the player runs out of APs, their turn ends.

The Player takes their turn first, then each ghost moves.

If the player is seen, the enemies start chasing, and if the Player is caught the game ends, and the level restarts.

The Player can kill the ghosts by backstab, or escaping after stealing the Will o' Wisp.


The ghosts can see the Player if he is not hiding in or behind objects.

Some can also hear him, if he is moving while not crouching.

If the Player is seen or heard, they will attack him.

If they can kill him, the game will end and the level will be restarted.

The ghosts have different movement and behavior patterns, survival is up to the Player.

Personal Contribution


AI design

AI Design

The Cowboy

The Cowboy is an immoble NPC, sitting on a barrel.

On each turn he faals asleep or wakes up, activating or deactivating their long sightline.


If he sees the Player he shoots instantly on a long range, leading to a Game Over.

The Harlot

The Harlot is a moving NPC, during her turn she follows a preset route.

If she sees the Player during her turn, she throws them a perfume bomb.

The bomb has two different effects:

A direct hit will cause a Game Over, while a splash hit will half the Player's APs.

If Wakanda walks through her hearing range without crouching, The Harlot's first action on her turn will be throwing the bomb at the last heard location.

The Harlot has medium sightline and hearing ranges.

The Blue Jacket

The Blue Jacket's AI flow is the most complex, because it chases the player, so a dedicated branch is created just for that.


It is a moving NPC with short sightline and hearing, and if undisturbed, turn he follows a route.

If he sees or hears the Player, he will start chasing them.

If the Player walks without crouching in his hearing range, the Blue Jacket's first action will be searching the Player on the last heard location.

If the Blue Jacket reaches the Player, he will attack him, and cause a Game Over.

Level Design

I also helped in creating various level designs, ranging from the tutorial-like Undertaker to the final level, the Graveyard

The Undertaker

This level is meant to teach the basics to the players.

Only two Blue Jackets are roaming the level.

The Prison

In the second level, we introduced The Cowboy enemy.

We set one Cowboy to sleep on the first turn, while the others are awake.

This will show the different enemy states to the player.

The Brothel

In this third level we also bring in three Harlots, to incentivate the player to use the crouch stealth mechanic, or to consider their APs economy while running.

The Saloon

The second to last level brings together all that the player has learned about enemies, and needs to very consciously move around the map.

The Graveyard

The last level is a boss fight, in which the player needs to reach the four corners of the Graveyard and use the Will o' Wisps to defeat the Phantom Puppeteer

Level Design



Alessandro Serenità

Giovanna Perdomini

Emanuele Palmiotti

Marco Giannoccaro

Lorenzo Ciccolella


Max Candia

Dario Raciti


Nikolas Lacquaniti

Gabriele Dolcemascolo

Background: Secret Poncho

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